Local homes by local people, for local people
iCB is working with Leathermarket CBS to bring forward the second development which will provide additional, genuinely affordable homes for local people within the Leathermarket JMB estate.
“The project is being really well managed and I really appreciate the consultation process you have put in place.”
Nestled in the former Joseph Lancaster Nursery site is an opportunity to bring forward genuinely affordable, high quality housing for local people.
iCB has been retained, following the successful delivery of Marklake Court, to drive forward the development of this small pocket in central London.
The development at Joseph Lancaster, which now has planning permission for the development of 40 apartments and townhouses, will bring forward new living accommodation for single people, families and disabled residents in a contemporary and high quality new development.
50% of the homes provided in this development will be allocated to existing residents of the Leathermarket Estate, and all homes in this development will be genuinely affordable.